Industrial Revolution 4.0 – for a Prosperous and Inclusive Human Centric Society

Every Industrial revolution is a turning point in the history. It has brought in a new way of life for people, there was increase in productivity, average income started growing, standards of living also improved.

First Industrial Revolution was more into mechanisation in the early 18th century and was about transition from manual methods to use of machines. Production of machine tools brought in Factory system. We then started having chemical processing industries, Textile manufacturing, Iron production, use of steam power which helped in transportation, railways.

Second Industrial Revolution had technology orientation in the late 18th century and early 19th century. The revolution was seen through applied science innovations like steel, electrification, paper making, petroleum, rubber, bicycle, automobiles, fertilizer, engines and turbines and telecommunications.

Third industrial Revolution from 19th century to 20th century is about digital revolution. The computers and communications technology including Internet has massively influenced people’s way of living, work and communication. Semiconductors, television, communication devices moved from analog to digital forcing industries transform the way they functioned through automation.

These three have motivated people to move from villages to cities and towns and look for a living.

Fourth Industrial Revolution: Now comes the Industry 4.0. This is all about Artificial Intelligence, Intelligent Robots, autonomous vehicles, driverless cars, e-automobiles, 3D Printing, miniaturized sensors, gene sequencing and editing, AR/VR/MR, embedded systems for societies and even human bodies, block chain for governance, quantum computing. This is all about driving opportunities in villages too through disruptive innovations leading to a true Global civilisation.

Technology enablers of IR4.0:

1) Internet access, computing and storage power will be affordable to all by 2020 as per the United Nations goal. This would help people improve their living conditions and escape poverty by giving them access to information, education and global marketplace.

2) Big data: The digital traces of our every action online are stored in servers. AI when applied to this massive data collected would help in building healthy and strong societies. It will not be far when we see AI machines with lot of data stored within sitting as Board of directors in company meetings.

3) Digital Health: Health Data related to diseases, patient conditions, hospital capabilities, equipment available, doctor specialisations can be collated from across the world and best treatment and personalized medication can be provided to the needy.

4) 3-D Printing: This brings together computer design, manufacturing, material engineering, synthetic biology and reduce the gap between makers and users. Consumers can purchase personalized products online, like 3D car as per personal choice or 3-D liver as per patient’s requirements.

5) Internet of Things (IOT): More than a trillion sensors will be connected to internet in a decade. This includes all the cars, electronic appliances like refrigerator and micro wave oven at home, mobiles, devices at farms, machinery in industries, devices like street lights to traffic lights, surveillance cameras, bore wells, water tanks, devices embedded into cattle and may be humans embedded with devices and many more. IIOT (Industrial IOT) will use SOC (System on Chip) solutions and smart devices that can autonomously talk to each other, collect data and run AI programs for better operation of the industries.

6. Block chain Services: This would change the way banks, insurance companies, universities, logistics companies, land and revenue departments work. Fraud will be eliminated. History of transactions will be maintained.

7. Wearable Internet: Implantable and wearable devices would help track our health status- sweat output, heartbeat and breath intensity. We can also locate missing children and old people. We can know information instantly about the location we are at and the things we see. Lot more exciting things are possible.

8. AR/VR/MR: This becomes integral for IR4.0. In a retail store AR mirrors will replace the traditional changing rooms, can replace salesman, attract customers, can show more goods than available in stock. Medical students will learn about surgery without a physical body. The air cabin crew can serve better looking at your mood. Surgeon can have more accuracy and precision. School children can have enhanced learning experience. In hotels, customers can have 360 degree view and a walk through of the rooms. In restaurants, the customers can experience the immersive menu card, where the customers can see what food they will get. Air crafts/ automobiles maintenance staff can fix the issues in less time. Real estate companies can offer 3D modelling and home experience to customers before the construction begins. Logistics companies, sports companies can give an immersive experience of their products to the consumers.

It is evident that dramatic change is happening all around us and it is happening at exponential speed.


  • Transportation and communication costs will drop, logistics and global supply chains will become more effective, and the cost of trade will diminish, all of which will open new markets and drive economic growth.
  • There will be enormous increase in efficiency, productivity and transparency.
  • In the skilled labour market, safety will increase and quality of products will increase and income will also increase.
  • The products will be demand driven and the companies will be forced to adapt the way they design, market and deliver products and services.
  • People will be empowered with access to all the information at hand.
  • Health care will improve with wearable gadgets, lots of data, 3D products, AR based surgeries.
  • Connectivity with anyone anywhere across the world is possible.
    Creativity, empathy and leadership will be promoted.


  • Fear of loosing jobs will increase , but then a new set of jobs with new skill sets will emerge.
  • Data Security becomes essential. Every country is all set to implement a cyber security policy.
  • Personal Privacy is important.
  • Discontent can also be fuelled because of information sharing online
  • A few players might collude and data may be misused.
  • Finally , it is all about people and values.

IR4.0 will blur the boundaries between people, Internet and physical world. It is a convergence of digital, physical and biological spheres. It is a transformation which will affect entire industries and economies and will impact global societies. Perhaps UN will have to revise its SDGs!

Let’s face the mounting change- the 4th phase of IR. India becomes more smarter and effective in promoting socio-economic development. May we leverage the fullest potential of 4.0 IR to build more prosperous and inclusive human centered society. Let us all together help India achieve its dream of emerging as a Global Power and set a replicable model to the developing countries.