Second Annual Appraisal Workshop ISEA Project Phase II was conducted at IITM Research Park, IIT Madras Campus, Chennai. The event was coordinated by Prof.V.Kamakoti, IIT Madras.
Broadly, the two day workshop gave an opportunity to review the activities done so far, apprising various institutes about their roles & responsibilities (including the newly joined institutes / Technical Universities, aligning the activities of RCs & PIs with major / minor areas of ISRDCs (logical clustering) and set the expectation for future.
The event was presided by Shri Sanjiv Mittal, Joint Secretary DeitY and the special address was given by Prof. N. Balakrishnan, IISc Bangalore. Commissioner, Chennai Police inaugurated the cyber security week and released the Information security awareness poster or brochure.
Vote of Thanks was given by Shri E Magesh, Director, C-DAC Hyd and the inaugural was closed.
In Session I Shri Sanjay Kumar Vyas, DeitY discussed at length on what was expected from the institutions. ISEA II Requirements were given by Shri Ch. A S Murty, CDAC Hyd. An overview of the ISEA Website / MIS, Courseware / Repository was given by CDAC employees
In Session II vision of each ISRDCs w.r.t. their major/minor research areas was discussed. The session was Chaired by Prof N.Balakrishnan, IISc Bangalore. Prof R K Shyamasundar, IIT Bombay, Prof Sukumar Nandi, IIT Guwahati, Prof. V Kamakoti, IIT Madras spoke about their ISRDCs.
In Session III a separate Break out Session for Review of Cluster Performances by 4 ISRDCs covering was conducted:
Major / Minor areas alignment
Mentoring between centres for Phd guidance, research
papers etc.
Norms for sharing of labs at ISRDC
Review of RCs and PIs performance against the targets
decided and targets for the future
Utilization of Capital Budget / Capital Equipment
procured and Financial status
Any other point
Moderator: ISEA PMU
On Day 2 in session I, a roadmap of 4 ISRDCs was presented by the RCs. The session was Chaired by Prof. N Balakrishnan, IISc Bangalore.
Prof. V Kamakoti, IIT Madras gave the closing remarks