Navigating eduKPI: A workshop sponsored by RUSA was conducted by Andhra University in Platinum Jubilee Hall from 9 AM to 5.30 PM on March 19, 2016
Prof. M. Shameem was the convener and I was the co-convener.
Prof. P Narasimha Rao, Vice Chairman, APSCHE, Sri Srikanthanatha Reddy, Joint Secretary, AP Higher Education graced the proceedings.
Prof Narasimha Rao explained why KPI’s are important and Sri Reddy gave information on RUSA and how higher education is using it for development of higher education.
I gave a talk on World University Rankings- AU case study. Sri Vijay Reddy, Elsevier-Scopus Presented a talk on how Scopus tool can be used and how Scival is useful for research. Sri Akshay Jain, EDB, AP State Government has presented a talk on World University Rankings- Inside Out.

Prof Shameem presented an overview of why the workshop was conducted.
The dais of Navigating eduKPI: from left: Prof V.Valli Kumari, Prof. U. Shameem, Prof. E.A Narayana, Prof P. Narasimha Rao, Prof. V. Umamaheswara Rao, Sri Srikantha Natha Reddy

Participants from 9 universities:Andhra University, Sri Venkateswara University, Acharya Nagarjuna University, Yogi Vemana University, Sri Padamavathi mahila University, JNTU Ananthpur, B.R Ambedkar University, Vikam Simhapuri University, Dravidian University

Thanks to all my scholars for volunteering and making this event happen.